We hope you have found this programme useful and insightful.
More importantly, we hope you feel a little more confident and competent to
respond to one of the most demanding situations – the death of a baby
or child.
It is for you to reflect on what you have learned, and what you are going to
do differently in future. Remember there is a bank of helpful information for
you and for families on Child Bereavement UK’s website
and you can always call our helpline in confidence on
01494 568900 – or refer families to the line – for
guidance and support.
In a moment you’ll have a chance to review the notes you have been
taking at the end of each module. Before you do that, here is a summary ofÂ
the most important feedback that parents have given Child Bereavement UK:
- Let parents be with their child. Remember brothers and sisters
- Treat parents equally, and involve them in important decisions
- Recognise that men and women often react differently
- Refer to the child by name
- Be factual
- Tell the truth – and be honest about what you don’t know
- Respect the fact that parents’ sense of duty to their child continues after death
- Give parents permission to express their feelings
- Allow time for parents to ask questions
- Check that parents have understood what you have told them –
clarify medical jargon
- Enquire about the parents’ beliefs, what they need, what may be available
- Reassure parents that their child’s body will be treated with
respect and dignity during the post-mortem examination, and that nothing can
be retained without their consent
- Agree with parents when and where they will see you or a consultant again
- Give parents your name and contact details in writing
- Explain where support is available once back in the community and any available
ongoing support from the hospital, local/national bereavement services/helplines and so on.
- Hurry parents
- “Protect” them from what is happening
- Hide your emotions from parents
- Assume that parents will understand everything you say or do: you’ll
sometimes have to repeat the same explanation several different timesÂ
- Assume that families know that everything possible has been done… if
you don’t tell them
- Use medical jargon
- “Hit and run”
- Assume there is a right way to grieve.
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