This is how you answered the focus questions earlier. Do you feel differently about any of these situations now?

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1 Most parents know about post-mortems and what is involved.

2 Once a child has died it seems insensitive to worry the family with requests to consider donating the child’s organs or tissue. On the other hand the child’s organs or tissue could be used in research later to save the life of another child. How do you resolve this conflict?

Question 1 best answer: B

in reality people often know very little about post-mortem examination and need sensitive and careful information provided to dispel their imaginary thoughts.

Consider taking another look at the presentation.

Question 2 best answer: B

parents appreciate being asked, and that you run a greater risk of upsetting them by not asking… especially if they carry donor cards. Where donation is possible, this is an important choice to offer to parents. This should be approached with sensitivity and caution, and any information you require about whether donation may be possible should be sought from your regional transplant coordinator.

Consider taking another look at the presentation.

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