This is how you answered the focus questions earlier. Do you feel differently about any of these situations now?

Review your answers. Change them if you like. Then click the Feedback button for more.

1 All attempts at resuscitating a child have failed and the parents are waiting in the bereavement room. What do you actually say to the parents?

2 When a child under your care has died, you feel you want to say “sorry”. Should you?

Question 1 best answer: C

one of the most unhelpful things you can do is “hit and run”. Parents need time, honest information, support and empathy at this time.

Offer parents the choice for you to stay while they begin to absorb what they have been told.

Reassure parents that everything possible was done – they won’t automatically assume that.

Consider taking another look at the presentation.

Question 2 best answer: A

saying you are sorry, if you feel you want to, is helpful. It is not generally seen as an admission of liability, but rather as an expression of shared humanity.

Consider taking another look at the presentation.

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