When a baby or child is dying, your medical skills, experience and caring attitude are stretched to the full. Sometimes nothing more can be done to prevent the death. That’s when another part of your role begins…

The way you communicate with parents when their baby or child is not expected to live can make a significant difference. In this situation, the family is bound to be deeply distressed. Whatever you say or do cannot take away their distress, but you can make a difference by your humanity, your sensitivity, your language and your actions – and this will be remembered forever.

Answer the following questions to the best of your ability. After the presentation that follows, you’ll have a chance to reconsider your answers. You’ll also be able to receive feedback.

1 A child under your care suddenly collapses and is not expected to live. The parents arrive at the hospital in the midst of the crisis of resuscitation and want to see their child. You feel they are so distressed that it would be difficult for all involved to have them there. You and the nurses are deeply distressed by the situation, and you wish to protect the parents from similar feelings. Do you…

2 In the same situation, you are with the parents as they face a decision as to whether or not treatment should be continued. Clearly, you are responsible for explaining the situation to the parents. Do you…

3 When dealing with both parents at the same time, is it more appropriate to…