Bereavement workshop for paediatric trainees and consultants

Bereavement workshop for paediatric trainees and consultants

Bereavement workshop for paediatric trainees: pre-workshop preparation elearning.
This elearning would also be helpful to other healthcare professionals.

Department of Health

The original development of this training was made possible by the support of the Department of Health


This elearning programme is for doctors, based both in hospitals and in the community. After spending an hour or so studying the programme you will be more aware of the sensitivities needed in one of the most demanding situations: the death of a baby or child. You may have encountered such a situation. This programme will help you reflect on your practice.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this elearning you will have:

Planning your time

The programme contains about an hour of material. You can stop and start at any time. If you do, the computer will save your results for next time. However the learning will be most effective if you break only at the end of one of the 5 modules.

Allow around 20 minutes for your first study period and 10-15 minutes per session after that.

Credits for continuing education

The training in this elearning programme can contribute to your continuing professional development.

Computer & software

  • PC
  • Screen width at least 800 pixels
  • Windows Vista or later Fine
  • Modern browser
  • Headphones or speakers

Web browser settings

  • Cookies accepted
  • JavaScript enabled ←Please enable it now

System requirements

This programme should run on any reasonably modern desktop or laptop computer that meets the requirements listed in the box (right). The programme could well work on other systems.

Note that the programme includes video material, so you will need speakers or headphones.

Your data

This programme saves your answers to questions, along with any notes you make and any email address you supply, on cookies stored on your computer. The cookies are kept for days. You will be offered an opportunity to delete the cookies at the end of the programme.

No data is transmitted from the programme and no data is stored remotely.
